3d solid giant shapes wood for drawing giant

I3D Format

Printable Version

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Overview
  4. Specification
    1. General Layout
    2. Materials
    3. Shapes
    4. Dynamics
    5. Scenegraph
    6. Animation


I3D is an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file format.

A vaild I3D file has upwardly to seven parts: Textures, Materials, Shapes, Dynamics, Scene graph, Animation and Userdata. Dependent on application each part can be omitted.

The XML Schema language is used to draw the I3D feature set. Download: I3D 1.6 Schema


  • Scenegraph bureaucracy with
    • TransformGroups/Basic: translation, rotation, scale and visibility
    • Lights: ambient, point, directional and spot lights
    • Cameras: field of view, most and far clipping plane
    • Shapes: meshes and nurbs curves (supports geometry instancing)
    • Particle Systems
  • Animation
    • Animation sets
    • Clips
    • Keyframes: translation, rotation, scale and visibility
    • Morph Targets
  • User Attributes
  • Dynamics
    • Particle Systems (Sprite based)
      • Surface Emitter
      • Gravity Fields
      • Air Fields
  • Meshes
    • Vertices
    • Normals
    • Vertex colors
    • Pare weights
    • Texture coordinates (including multiple uv sets)
    • Faces (vertex color, normals and texture coordinates per confront)
  • Curves
    • Nurbscurves
  • Shader/Materials
    • Multitextures (capricious layered textures)
    • Lightmaps
    • Bumpmaps/Normalmaps
    • Environmentmaps
    • Specularmaps




Full general Layout

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<i3D name="MyScene" version="1.6" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://i3d.giants.ch/schema/i3d-1.vi.xsd">

Coordinate Systems

I3D uses a right-handed coordinate system.


All used file references are defined hither. File handles are mapped to the corresponding filenames.

<File fileId="i" filename="myTexture1.png" relativePath="true"/>


Materials used in the materials attribute of Shape nodes within the scenegraph department are defined in this department.

<Cloth name="myShader_001" materialId="12">
<Texture fileId="1"/>


Shapes are defined here and referenced from the scene graph section. This machinery allows multiple instancing of shapes.


Dynamic objects are divers in this part and referenced from the Scene graph department.

<ParticleSystem proper name="emitter1" dynamicId="1" type="sprite" rate="0.004" lifespanInfinite="simulated"
speed="0.01" speedRandom="0" tangentSpeed="0" normalSpeed="i" lifespan="10000" maxCount="1000"
spriteScaleX="fifty" spriteScaleY="50" depthSort="false" emitterShape="pCubeShape1" shader="lambert2">
<Gravity force="0 -3 0"/>
<Air velocity="two 0 0"/>


The Scene graph hierarchy (transformations, bones, joints, shapes, lights, cameras and particle systems) are stored in this department. Shapes, materials and particle systems are stored as references.

<TransformGroup name="myGroup1" translation="1.25 0 -9" nodeId="47">
<Shape name="mySphere" materialIds="i" shapeId="1" nodeId="48"/>
<TransformGroup name="myGroup2" rotation="xc 0 270" nodeId="49">
<Shape proper name="mySphere2" materialIds="1" shapeId="2" nodeId="l"/>

Scene graph node types


Attribute Description Type Optional
name Proper noun of TransformGroup string no
translation Translation complex yep
rotation Rotation, euler guild ZY'10'' circuitous yeah
scale Scale complex yes
visibility Visibility boolean yes
kinematic Kinematic object boolean yes
dynamic Dynamic object boolean yes
static Static object boolean yes
compound Compound parent boolean yes
compoundChild Compound child boolean yes
collision Enable standoff boolean yes
ccd Continuous standoff detection boolean yes
trigger Trigger boolean yes
fabric Fabric boolean yeah
restitution Restitution bladder yep
staticFriction Static friction float yes
dynamicFriction Dynamic friction bladder yes
skinWidth Skin width float yep
density Density float yep
collisionMask Collision mask integer yes
articulation Joint boolean aye
breakableJoint Breakable joint boolean aye
jointBreakForce Articulation break force double yes
jointBreakTorque Joint break torque double yes
project Enable joint project boolean yes
xAxisDrive Enable ten axis drive boolean yes
yAxisDrive Enable y axis drive boolean yes
zAxisDrive Enable z axis bulldoze boolean yeah
drivePos Enable bulldoze position boolean yeah
projDistance Project distance double yes
driveForceLimit Drive strength limit double yes
driveSpring Drive spring double aye
driveSpring Drive spring double yes
solverIterationCount Solver iteration count integer yep
rotMinX Rotation minimum x double yep
rotMinY Rotation minimum y double yes
rotMinZ Rotation minimum z double yes
rotMaxX Rotation maximum ten double yes
rotMaxY Rotation maximum y double aye
rotMaxZ Rotation maximum z double yes
transMinX Translation minimum x double yes
transMinY Translation minimum y double aye
transMinZ Translation minimum z double aye
transMaxX Translation maximum x double yes
transMaxY Translation maximum y double yes
transMaxZ Translation maximum z double yes
objectMask Object mask integer yes
nodeId Node reference id, used for Animation and UserAttributes department integer no

Element Description Type Cardinality
TransformGroup Transform grouping node circuitous 0..North
Shape Shape node complex 0..N
Photographic camera Camera node complex 0..Due north
Light Light node circuitous 0..North
Dynamic Dynamic node (eg. particle arrangement) complex 0..N


Aspect Description Type Optional
shapeId Shape reference id (reference to shapes section) string no
materialIds List of used textile ids (reference to materials section) string no
skinBindNodeIds Skin demark node ids string yes
castsShadows Casts shadows boolean yes
receiveShadows Receive shadows boolean yes
clipDistance Clip distance double yes
nonRenderable Non renderable boolean yes


Attribute Description Type Optional
fov Field of view double no
nearClip Most clipping plane double no
farClip Far clipping plane double no


Aspect Clarification Blazon Optional
blazon Light type string no
diffuseColor Diffuse color complex yes
emitDiffuse Emit lengthened string yeah
specularColor Specular color circuitous aye
emitSpecular Emit specular string yes
castShadowMap Cast shadow Map boolean yes
depthMapBias Depth map bias double yes
depthMapResolution Depth map resolution integer yeah
shadowFarDistance Shadow far fistance double yes
shadowTextureOffset Shadow texture offset double yes
shadowExtrusionDistance Shadow extrusion distance double yes
decayRate Decay rate integer yes
coneAngle coneAngle double yes
dropOff dropOff integer yes
projTexture Projective texture name string yep
range Range double no

5 Dynamic

Attribute Description Type Optional
dynamicId Dynamic id (reference to dynamics section) string no


<Camera name="camera1" translation="0 2.00 6.47" rotation="-13.07 0 0" fov="54.43" nearClip="0.01" farClip="g" nodeId="34"/>
<Light proper name="pointLight1" translation="6.56 5.76 4.04" type="point" diffuseColor="1 one one" range="ten" nodeId="35"/>
<TransformGroup proper noun="group1" translation="1.35 0.96 0.81" nodeId="36">
<Shape proper noun="pCubeShape1" rotation="-23.94 6.49 14.29" materialIds="one 2" shapeId="one" nodeId="37"/>


Motions are defined in this office. Clips are the basic edifice block and permit Non-Linear Animation by composing multiple clips.

<AnimationSet proper noun="walk_crouched">
<Clip name="walk_crouched1Source" duration="1000">
<Keyframes nodeId="Hips">
<Keyframe time="0" translation="-0.467 13.504 39.842"/>
<Keyframe time="333" translation="-0.559 12.915 39.370"/>
<Keyframe time="one thousand" translation="-2.610 eleven.917 35.462"/>
<Keyframes node="Chest">
<Keyframe time="0" rotation="-1.013 -iv.465 0.890"/>
<Keyframe time="666" rotation="10.009 -6.667 4.381"/>
<Keyframe time="m" rotation="11.638 -iii.906 4.115"/>


Source: https://gdn.giants-software.com/documentation_i3d.php

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