Sims 4 How to Install Custom Content Easy Way

The Sims 4 screenshot 7

"The Sims 4 killed my girlfriend with burn down. It'due south the same quirky, oddball good time it's ever been."


  • Tweaks to Create-a-Sim and Build/Buy style are dandy
  • Small improvements across the board result in an improved oddball life simulator


  • Expected content regression subsequently the DLC-packed Sims 3
  • In-game economy feels out of balance with in-game pay scales

The Sims 4 killed my girlfriend with burn.

Permit'southward prepare the scene: Virginia and I are preparing to move in together in real life, so I thought information technology would be fun to replicate that experience in The Sims 4. I created our likenesses, bought us a house, and got united states jobs—author for me (of form), criminal for her. She'southward a midwife in the real globe, simply there's no medical profession in The Sims – babies just magically escape from their significant mothers some time later on a special round of WooHoo (Simlish for Sexual activity) – and a life of offense seemed like a good alternative.

I came home to find a fire-scarred kitchen, a dead girlfriend, and the Grim Reaper surveying the grisly scene.

Unfortunately, Virginia'south shady dealings put her and I on reverse schedules. She'd e'er be just coming back from a long dark of hustling and scheming just every bit I was heading out to the office. Information technology was fine at first. I'd melt us both breakfast and she'd eat without me. We pined to see more than of each other, but we remained happy.

That is until I overslept 1 morning and skipped out on cooking. She came home, tired and hungry, and decided to make some mac and cheese. Unfortunately, she never actually got the hang of the whole cooking thing since I handled that. The oven exploded in her face and no one was around to put out the flames. I came home that evening to find a fire-scarred kitchen, a dead girlfriend on the floor, and the Grim Reaper surveying the grisly scene. And so my AI-managed Sim did what any reasonable person would exercise: Grabbed a beverage from the refrigerator and went to bed.

This lilliputian chestnut says then much virtually the unexpected joys and code-express shortcomings of The Sims iv'south "real life simulation." Sims are simple creatures, guided by a sliding set of meters that dictate their ever-changing needs. Bathroom meter falls into the red? Go use a toilet. Fun meter flagging? Play a game. Energy meter bottoming out? Slumber. With no outside interference from the player, Sims see to their own needs to the best of their abilities, but only yous can push them to be more.

The Sims 4 screenshot 12

The game reduces the human condition to its virtually basic, necessary components, simply leaves the narrative for those experiences to be made in the heed of the role player. That was as true in The Sims every bit it is in The Sims 4, just much more finely tuned now. There'south multitasking, for one. Sims are now capable of socializing while they eat, trip the light fantastic, do, and more than. Information technology'due south a welcome feature; simple though information technology might be, something like multitasking really helps to create a more true-to-life virtual being.

Which isn't to say that The Sims iv is at its best when it'southward replicating real life perfectly. The daily grind of waking upwards and going to work is an ever-nowadays requirement as that'due south the most reliable source of income for your Sims. The early game feels especially restrictive since starting jobs pay then little. Virginia and I both had jobs before she caught burn down because we had to; there was no other way to pay for our simple beingness.

There's a progression, of form. Creating a new Sim – a very tactile process in which you click and drag to manipulate the shape of the body – besides involves picking their Aspirations and Traits, which lays out a loose sort of life path for them. Consummate one of your life goals and you lot earn special currency that tin be spent on potions that ease your Sim's needs, contrary aging, and cheat other aspects of the game in your favor.

If you want pets or pools or any number of other features, continue playing The Sims 3 while you lot look for content to start rolling out.

It's a rare concession to fantasy in a game that tries very hard to anchor itself in reality. Aye, it's a twisted accept on reality in which no ane ever gets ill, jobs pay 1950s salaries against a 2014 consumer marketplace, and everyone refers to sex as "WooHoo." The potions are just another part of that bizarre charm, much like the series-standard cheat codes. Don't similar the starting lot for your Sims? Cheat them up $100K and requite their virtual lives an easier showtime.

The bigger improvements in The Sims 4 happen on the creative side, and they're great. Create-a-Sim lacks the depth that it's had in the past, but the more intuitive push-and-pull tactility of torso modification is a huge pace frontward from the esoteric sliders of past games. More than welcome is the combining of Build and Buy into a single manner; it'southward at present possible to erect a house and fill it with stuff (provided y'all have the money) in a unmarried, seamless act.

User-friendliness was clearly a focus in the design hither, starting with fully furnished room "types" that you lot can drag-and-drop into a infinite, then tweak equally yous like. A handy search characteristic as well makes hunting down specific items a snap; just like the Mac Os Finder app, you just type the thing you want and the search dynamically fills out a listing of hits as you go.

The Sims 4 screenshot 9

The only significant trouble is the expected regression that's been the standard for each new numbered entry in this series. Sims games live and die on their postal service-release expansion packs, so The Sims 4 at launch is not the same game you'll be playing in 2015. If you desire pets or pools or any number of other features that are standard now in The Sims 3, proceed playing that i while you expect for content to commencement rolling out.

The Sims four might have killed my girlfriend with fire, but it did then in such a whimsical and oddball way that I can't be angry with it. There's not a whole lot of mystery to this series. Like many annual release games like Call of Duty and Madden, there's an established model that's tweaked and fine-tuned, only never torn down and rebuilt from scratch.

That foundation remains in The Sims iv, and it'south as unusual a life simulator equally any of its predecessors. It might be looking a little thin for now, just it's sure to abound soon enough.

This game was reviewed on a first-gen Alienware X51 gaming PC using an Origin code provided by Electronic Arts.


  • Tweaks to Create-a-Sim and Build/Buy mode are great
  • Pocket-sized improvements across the board result in an improved oddball life simulator


  • Expected content regression later on the DLC-packed Sims 3
  • In-game economy feels out of residual with in-game pay scales

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